Friday, December 8, 2017

Status Quo is a Myth

Status Quo is a myth. No one can coast forever. Yes, everyone needs to coast for a little bit after a period of hard pedaling. But anyone who continues to coast eventually slows down and comes to a stop. Stop equals death. It could be physical death, mental or emotional death, or even financial death.  Water that stops moving becomes stagnant and  eventually everything in it dies. Everyone on this planet needs a goal, a vision, a hope, and a purpose to strive for-something that is currently just out of reach.  We are not being kind when we don’t challenge ourselves and others to come up a little higher. If you support the status quo, you are contributing to death- death of a dream, death of a company or business, death of a church, death of a person or people group. It seems it is part of human nature to resist change and growth and expansion, but it is part of the divine nature to open, expand, create, and grow. Thank God that light and life overpowers darkness and death. I choose life! I wonder who else is willing to choose life, too. Please leave a comment.

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