Sunday, November 26, 2017

What Can I Not Stop Doing?

Jon Acuff uses the plane crash fantasy to get people to figure out what they want most in life.  If that doesn’t work, he asks them to ask another question. 

What can I not stop doing? For me, it’s walking and hiking. Looking for better ways to eat. Looking for ways to explain things so that I and other people can be encouraged and dramatically change our lives. Searching for that one thing that will give me an edge. That one thing that will cut to the heart of any issue and overcome it. I can’t stop looking for the fastest, easiest way to profoundly and permanently change the trajectory of my life and the lives of others.

I know it takes time to heal. (Boy, do I know it!) I know it takes chutzpah to fight through the denial, the excuses, the old mindsets, and all the self sabotaging things we do when we sense a change is necessary in order to move forward in life.  

Notwithstanding, I want to be able to say, do these steps, and you will succeed. 

So I read blogs and articles. Then I subscribe to their newsletters and podcasts and free webinars that turn out not to be free.  Then I get overwhelmed with all the stuff in my inbox and I don’t read any of it. Eventually most of them get unsubscribed after a few months of me breaking my promise to read it later.  

But some things do stick.  A study that showed that a husband and wife whose brains were being monitored by a team of scientists. It showed parts of their brains lighting up when they prayed together. Later, when they were in separate parts of the house, the husband began praying for his wife. The equipment showed that at that exact moment, the same “prayer center” that lit up when they prayed together was lighting up in the wife’s brain when her husband was praying for her.  Powerful! Our thoughts are real things, as Caroline Leaf says. 

So part of my passion must be in learning how and teaching others how to harness the power of our thoughts to change our lives dramatically and irreversibly for the better. 

I know it to be true. I believe it with all my heart. I work on it all the time. The more I learn, the more I know that there is so much more that I don’t know.  So I try to narrow it down. I try to find that narrow lane that I can travel in and learn everything there is to know in that one thing. And when I do, I can change lives.  

Dave Ramsey does one thing. Money. But what happens when people follow his plan? They lose weight. They get healthy. Their relationships are healed and strengthened. Their lives are changed!

I want my message to be that powerful!  Will it ever be? I don’t know. Pray for me!

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